Sunday Children’s Work
St Aidan’s at Brunton Park is a family friendly church that wants everyone to know just how much God loves and cares for them. During our Sunday morning service there are weekly children’s activities for those who would like to join them.
Any children who are happy to left independently are welcome, or parents can accompany them. During this time there is usually a craft activity linked to the main service, a story, or game or song. There are also toys for the very little ones. Alternatively the children’s corner at the front of church is available throughout the service for anyone who wants to stay in with the grown-ups!
We hope that in their own ways our children will learn and engage with God, just as the adults do next door.
There is no cut-off age for the groups, so older children are welcome to either join in and help with the younger ones, or stay in the main service if they would find that more engaging.
Children re-join with the adults as communion is shared, and are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing if they’re not yet ready to take the bread and wine.