Midweek Study and Fellowship Groups
Our church community hosts various mid-week groups that meet for study, prayer or praise. Find out more about each of our groups and activities here – everyone is welcome to come along and join us.
Monday Bible Study Group:
Meets weekly on Mondays, 7.30pm on Zoom.
Speak to Ken Newitt for more details.
Tuesday Study and Fellowship Group:
Meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays, 11am-1pm, in person.
Speak to Susan Armstrong for more details.
Wednesday Prayer Group
Meets weekly on Wednesday, 1pm in person.
Speak to Michelle Ward for more information.
Parenting Group
Meets on Wednesdays, 7.30pm in person.
Speak to Gerard for more information.
Prayer and Praise
Meets 1st Thursday of the month, 2pm in church.
Speak to Margaret Humphrey for more information.
Food for Thought
Meets weekly on Fridays, 5pm on Zoom.
Speak to Ginette Cass for more information.