News & Views

Pancake Parties – 3.30pm see previous post and 6.30pm

Youth Pancake Event – starting at 6.30pm on Tuesday 4th March
This event is for young people (10-17 year olds) across the Newcastle Central Deanery.
There will be lots of food and plenty of fun.
We’ll start by eating pancakes which will be followed by games, worship and a biblical reflection.  
We’ll then finish the evening hanging out with one another before heading home. 

First night code!

Here is the Zoom link for the first of our Lent Series
‘What’s this doing in the Bible?’,
Monday, 3rd March, at 7.30 pm.

Meeting ID: 757 377 8713      Passcode: StAidan

Thank you

Rev. Gerard would like to extend a HUGE thankyou to Kathleen and the ladies of the WI
who come to the Saturday Cafe for their brilliant help in delivering St. Aidan’s Easter Cards round Brunton Park (and everyone else who delivered too).

4.00pm Sunday 3rd March

Christ the King Team Evensong
at St. Columba’s,
to say Farewell to Rev. Pauline Pearson


With Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful Year – from St Aidan’s Church

Sunday 26th November 4.00pm

Service at 4.00pm Bishop Helen-Ann will lead the service

– all are welcome please come and support those to be baptised and confirmed.
(There will be light refreshments afterwards.)

Saturday 11th November

Act of Remembrancegather outside church in time for 11.00
A short service of prayers and laying of wreath & adding crosses to the garden below the cross.

Friday 27th!

Come and join us – fun guaranteed at both events.

Special Events this weekend

HEALING SERVICE – Sunday 15th Oct at 4pm. 
This is a quiet reflective service with the opportunity to receive prayer and anointing with oil either for yourself or someone you know who is in need.  Do join us for this special service.  

Starts next week – Wednesday 27th September

Curious about faith?
Join as series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. At each session you’ll be hosted in a small group and watch a video on a different question of faith- then you have a chance to share your thoughts and hear what others think. You can say anything you like or nothing at all.

Everyone’s welcome. You’re invited. No matter your background or beliefs.
It’s free and there is no pressure to come back.

If you’d like to know more you can email

St. Aidan’s Day Reading

Excerpt from Bede’s Ecclesiastical History
They sent [King Oswald] Bishop Aidan, a man of outstanding gentleness, devotion, and moderation; having a zeal of God…On the arrival of the bishop, the king appointed him his episcopal see on the island of Lindisfarne, as he desired. As the tide ebbs and flows, this place is enclosed twice a day by the waves of the sea like an island; and again, twice, when the beach is left dry, it becomes attached to the land…
From this island, then, and the fraternity of these monks, Aidan was sent to instruct the English nation in Christ, having been consecrated a bishop. Among other lessons in holy living, Aidan taught the clergy many lessons about the conduct of their lives but above all he left them a most salutary example of abstinence and self-control; and the best recommendation of his teaching to all was that he taught them no other way of life than that which he himself practised among his fellows. For he neither sought nor loved anything of this world, but delighted in distributing immediately among the poor whom he met whatever was given him by the kings or rich men of the world. He used to travel everywhere on foot, never on horseback, unless compelled by some urgent necessity; so that, as he went, he might turn aside to any anyway he saw, whether rich or poor, and call upon them, if they were unbelievers, to receive the mystery of the faith, or, if they were believers, strengthen them in the faith, urging them by word and deed to practice almsgiving and good works.

Friday 7th April – Good Friday

10,00am. Good Friday Family Worship
Messy church with crafts, music, refreshments and a journey through the last week of Jesus’ life

Thursday 6th April – Maundy Thursday

7.30pm. Communion service with foot washing – Followed by the stripping of the altars. in
8.30-10.00pm You are invited to stay for a time of silent pray as we watch with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.

4.00pm Sunday 12th March

A quiet service of readings and music with a chance to pray for friends, relatives or your self
– to ask for healing of body or mind.

Don’t Forget !

Wednesday 1st March
12.00 Lent lunch at St John’s RUC
7.30pm The Chosen series at St Cuthbert’s

New Year Greetings

A Happy and healthy New Year to everyone – from St. Aidan’s Church

New Years Day 2023

9.30am Parish Communion – in church and Live streamed
Readings – Galatians 4.4-7; Luke 2.15-14
Link to service –
*Please note there is no 8.00am service and the family service next week*

Harvest Weekend

Come and join us to Thank God for what we have and help those in need.

Queen Elizabeth II

Archbishop Welby said in a statement shortly after the announcement of the queen’s death:
“As we grieve together, we know that, in losing our beloved Queen, we have lost the person whose steadfast loyalty, service and humility has helped us make sense of who we are through decades of extraordinary change in our world, nation, and society.
“As deep as our grief runs, even deeper is our gratitude for Her Late Majesty’s extraordinary dedication to the United Kingdom, her Realms and the Commonwealth. Through times of war and hardship, through seasons of upheaval and change, and through moments of joy and celebration, we have been sustained by Her Late Majesty’s faith in what and who we are called to be.”

Sunday 4th September

8.00am. Said Holy Communion (Church only)
9.30am. Family Service – St. Aidan’s Patronal Festival (No communion) in church & live streamed
Readings – 1 Corinthians 3.1-9; Luke 4. 38-end.
Link to 9.30 service –
4.00pm. St. Cuthbert’s Parish evensong

Christian Aid Week 2022

Christian Aid Week begins May 15th – St. Aidan’s church is doing a house-to-house collection,
please be generous in your response – your money will save lives
See the Christian Aid Page for more details.

Easter Day Services

April 17th 5.30am COME & CELEBRATE
the risen Lord as the sun rises on a new day

Good Friday

10.00am Family Worship with crafts, music, food and fun

Holy week Events

Holy Week, the most meaningful week in the year for Christians begins on Palm Sunday.
Do join us for any or all of our services as we follow Jesus on the road to the cross, and rejoice in his joyful resurrection! 
All are welcome to come and share in his gift of new life at Easter.
Our Good Friday Family Church is particularly appropriate for children and families with craft, food, music and the story of Holy Week.
The Easter Sunday Communion will also have activities for children, an Easter Egg hunt to finish and a chance to help decorate our cross.


Join with churches across the UK to pray for an end to the conflict,
and to pray for peace and reconciliation

Sunday April 3rd

8:00am: Said Communion
9.30am: Parish Eucharist
in church and live streamed Link –
Readings from Isaiah 43.16-21, Philippians 3.4b-14, John 12.1-8
11am: Annual General Meeting
4pm: Taize service (See additional post above)

Sunday March 20th

9.30am Parish Eucharist in church and live streamed
Link to service
Readings Isiah 55. 1-9; 1 Corinthians 10.1-13; Luke 13.1-9
4.00pm Taizé Service
7.00pm Concert for Ukraine (see Separate poster)

Sunday March 13th

9.30am – Parish Eucharist in church and Live streamed
Link to Service –
Readings – Genesis 15.1-12,17-18; Philippians 3.17- 4.1 Luke 13. 31-35
4.00pmTaize Service (in church only)


12pm, St Columba’s :

Lent Lunch,

– Pontius Pilate

Come and make a good start to Half Term Week

Newcastle Cathedral is asking for helpers

Help us to showcase Newcastle and our amazing Cathedral!  Volunteers needed.

In May this year, Newcastle Cathedral will be hosting the National Cathedrals’ annual conference. The conference with see over 300 delegates from Cathedrals across the country come together to explore topics such as racial and social justice alongside climate change and re-imagining the church; under the theme Different Country: Different Church.

We will have lots of opportunities to help make sure that all the delegates receive that Geordie welcome we are so famous for, and that that they are able to find their way around our beautiful city. All volunteers will receive a full briefing and a conference branded t-shirt. You will need to be able to commit to at least one 2-3 hour shift over the course of the conference (Sunday 15 – Thursday 19 May) as well as attend a briefing session in late April.

To register your interest in volunteering at the conference, please complete the online registration at  Alternatively, please contact Lucy Cooke, our Volunteer Co-ordinator at or by phone on 0191 2321939.

Healing Service Sunday 23rd 4.00pm

This is a quiet reflective service with the opportunity to receive
prayer and anointing with oil either for yourself or someone you know.
Do join us for this special service and have the opportunity to be with others
as we pray quietly for each other.

This weeks Events


Mon 7.30pm, Zoom: Bible Study Group
Tues 12:00pm, Church: Funeral of Kenneth Hylton
Wed 10.00am, Church: BCP Midweek Eucharist
3:00pm, Church: Thanksgiving service for John Ward
7:30pm, Zoom(church code below): DCC
Thurs 7:30pm, Church: Healing: Ministry and Medicine, Dr Stan Chapman
Fri 5pm, Zoom (church code below): Food for Thought
Sun 23rd 9.30am, Parish Eucharist: Third Sunday of Epiphany
4:00pm: Healing Service

Food For Thought 2022

Each Friday at 5.00pm
Short service and/or Discussion via Zoom

Meeting ID: 860 0011 7908

Passcode: 275465

Christmas Eve

Friday 24th December
Crib service 4.00 pm in church only
(Only limited numbers can be accommodated)
Inter-active Christmas story for children.

Friday 24th 11.30 pm
Communion and Carols in church only

The week ahead

Mon 1.00pm, Church: Memorial Service for Anne Havis
Mon 7.30pm: bus stop on Melbury Estate: Carols on the Green
Wed 10.00am, Church: BCP Midweek Eucharist
Wed 7.30pm: St Columba’s: Advent series: Psalms in a Pandemic
Thurs 2.30pm: Church: Advent series: Psalms in a Pandemic
Fri 5pm, Zoom: Food for Thought
Fri 5.30pm: Carols in Wideopen
Sat 10am-12pm, Church Community Room: Saturday Café

The Week Ahead – Sunday 5th

Tues – 4pm, Zoom: Advent series: Psalms in a Pandemic
Wed – 10.00am, Church: BCP Midweek Eucharist
Wed – 2pm, Church: Christmas Prayer and Praise
Wed – 7.30pm: St Columba’s: Advent series: Psalms in a Pandemic
Thurs – 2.30pm: Advent series: Psalms in a Pandemic at St Aidan’s
Fri: – 5pm, Zoom: Food for Thought
Sat: – 10am-12pm St Aidan’s: Saturday Café
Sun 12th – 9.30am, Parish Eucharist : Advent 3
Sun – 4pm, Christingle

Advent Discussions – Palms in a Pandemic

Covid and beyond.

There will be input from across the team as we spend time
praying and talking together,
particularly reflecting on the experience of the last 18 months.
You can join us at any venue each week from 30th November:
Tuesdays 4pm on Zoom,
Wednesdays 7.30pm at St Columba’s,
Thursdays 2.30pm at St Aidan’s.

Christ the King Team Confirmation

Link to Christ the King Service of Confirmation

10.00am Sunday 14th November at Saint Columba’s Church
We come together to celebrate the Feast of Christ the King and

a joint parish confirmation service with Bishop Stephen Platten

(there will be No service at St. Aidan’s that day)


Climate Justice – COP26

Extended for another week

Armistice Day

A special service to remember

11th November 10.45am outside church

with laying of a wreath and 2 minute silence