Services at St. Aidan’s
Sunday Services

9.30 – first Sunday of the month
Family Service
An informal, family-friendly service with lots on offer for children as well as adults. The service is about an hour, and there’s interactive opening worship with the whole church family; before children go to another room for some craft and games during an adult talk; finally we all gather together for a final song and blessing.

9.30 – second to fifth Sundays of the month
Parish Eucharist
Our regular, main Sunday service. The service is about an hour and is a mix of traditional liturgy with a welcoming and informal atmosphere. We sing hymns, listen to the Bible and a sermon, and share together in Holy Communion. There are children’s groups available each week, and all ages are always warmly welcomed.
Midweek Services

Wednesday Eucharist
BCP Holy Communion with coffee afterwards.
Contact the Parish Administrator
Janice Charlton
0191 236 7952
St Aidan's Church
Princes Road
Brunton Park